
Visit Royal Botanic Garden (33)

Short visit to Royal Botanic Garden was managed by MSc Accounting and Finance, The University of Edinburgh. MSc students had an excellent opportunity to see the collection of plants, the laboratory and also the education room for kids to study about plants. The most attractive thing is the connection between Royal Botanic Garden (RBGE), Public Service owned by Scottish Government and its Management Accounting. The following table is the details of our visit schedule and the accompanying expert from RBGE. The session was run around half day on Friday. Thanks to Sebastian Hoffman, Stella Wang, Kelly De Wet, Alasdair Macnab for this event.

The following pictures show RBGE mission breakdown into several elements. These elements will be transformed into different cost allocation.

The following scheme is the cost allocation for each department running the operation of RBGE.

Unique Management Accounting system is used in order to fund the operational of RBGE because it is non profit organization. It is important to know how they fund it and how they responsible with financial report to government.

Several posters attached to the wall of corridor in one of RBGE building to educate the visitors of the elements of plants that grows in every corner of the world.

One of the way to preserve and present to the visitor is with drying all the seeds and plants and put it in the storefront.

Dr David, RBGE researcher, explained about the Herbarium. It stored all the plants from around the world. The temperature inside the green house adjusted to the place where plants originated from. The purpose of collecting plants from around the world is preserving the existence of plants in the world because nowadays the weather and condition change dynamically. In order to prevent the extinction of one type of plants, RBGE save it. Before it goes to herbarium, there is a research on plants’s DNA to ensure its originality and species.

The beautiful pictures below is originally from Asia. In this place, the temperature is set to be warm and humid.

The green leaves plants here called Rhododendron polyanthemum is from Borneo, one island in Indonesia where there are wide forest.

MSc Students are divided into three groups, in this group we follow Dr David to see around all plantations inside the herbarium. He explained very well on some plants.

The flower looks so beautiful below. The herbarium is build with the transparent glass roof in order for the plants get the sun light for plants do photosynthesis.

Before we enter to herbarium area, we should step on this special carpet with chemical fluid in order to sterilises our shoes. It prevents the possibility of plants infected by virus brought by human.

The rooms below is specially designed to educate kids or students for the plants. The objective is let them know where the food originally come from and how it grows and produced until finally they can eat them. This is the basic that can boost their innovation in the future.

Pinky sun flowers grow outside herbarium.

The plants below is imported from far away in the near corner east of the earth, which is Papua New Guinea, the country bordered with Papua Irian Jaya, one of the province under Government of Indonesia.

This unique plants grow in Asia with warm weather.

The plants below is imported from South America, around Mexico, Argentina and Chile

It is also really nice to take a seat in front of Herbarium and read something. Imagine if there is a Coffee Shop in RBGE, this will be perfect.

Dr David share the story when he did a research for plants in China for about 17 years and bring some of the plants to herbarium.

The plants here came from the mountainous area in Malaysia.

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