
Digitalisation to Reduce Cost (43)

In working, we produce record every day by printing data to hardcopy documents. This documents are produced by many originators with different style. And they keep in many different folders. Therefore, traditionally we need people to collect this scattered documents into pool locations. Then, the collection were not made in timely manner.

By having application for document tracking record with OCR file integration, the cost of document collection can be reduced by tracking documents from originator (accountants creating journal and attaching hardcopy invoices) submitted to filing admin. Before hardcopy filed to filing admin, originator will select journal number that they will file to filing admin. This process produce barcode as the cover of hardcopy compilation submitted to filing admin. Thus filing admin no need anymore to type manually in excel to record which documents has been submitted to them.

This is reduce cost inaccurate manual record. After thus hardcopy received by filing admin, this documents goes to Scanning room to be converted into digital file. After it is scanned, this file will be deliver to warehouse to be securely kept. To proof the accountability of the transactions, no need anymore to struggle in searching hardcopy documents in warehouse by moving thousands box (man power costs). With OCR filing index tools, we just search by keyword and all transactions scanned supporting documents will appear in minutes without manpower costs.

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