
Citibankers who value Network and Connection as the Biggest Investment – Not the Last but the Beginning – Management Associate is the Best Place to Learn with Wide Exposure


Citi that never sleep is the slogan of Citibank. Citibank train future leader through programs called Management Associates (MA). There are several type of MA such as Citi MA, Global Consumer Group MA, Operations and Technology MA, and Other MA programs. Citi provide wide exposures to learn through this program. Once being MA, he/she will be responsible for the project with broad scope that involve many group Heads

Invitated for International Conference at Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.

Conference Theme: The Convergence of Managerial and Financial Accounting Research

The goal of the conference is to explore state-of-the-art practices in how the understanding of financial reporting is and can be informed by considering managerial accounting issues, and to showcase important cutting-edge research by scholars in managerial and financial accounting.

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The conference will feature presentations by leading experts, including Rajiv Banker, Sudipta Basu, Lawrence Brown, Ranjani Krishnan, Eva Labro, Jacob Thomas, and Paul Zarowin, presenting recent work illuminating how managerial behavior, shaped by the economic environment and the incentives faced by the manager, influences financial reporting, accompanied by new empirical research studies selected from an open call for papers. The conference is hosted by the Merves Center for Accounting and Information Technology and the Accounting Department at the Fox School of Business and supported by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), U.K.

According to the assessment process, Congratulations! Muhammad Irka Irfa’ Darojat‘s application has been accepted for participation in the poster session at the 2014 Accounting Conference at Temple University. This year, we received over 60 excellent submissions from an open call for papers, in addition to the 7 invited papers, and paper selection was difficult. The quality of papers accepted for presentation is impressive.

Diklat Pimpinan Utama – P2EB FEB UGM dan PT Pegadaian Persero

Penelitian dan Pelatihan Ekonomika dan Bisnis (P2EB) bekerjasama dengan PT Pegadaian (Persero) untuk menyelenggarakan pelatihan program Diklat Pimpinan Utama (DIKPIMA) bagi calon pimpinan utama PT Pegadaian (Persero). Adapun DIKPIMA PT Pegadaian (Persero) bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan kompetensi hard skill dan soft skill yang sangat diperlukan bagi seorang pimpinan utama untuk mendukung kegiatan bisnis di PT Pegadaian (Persero). Dalam acara ini, Muhammad Irka Irfa’ Darojat bekerja sebagai asisten pelatihan di P2EB FEB UGM.

Sesuai dengan maksud diselenggarakannya Diklat Pimpinan Utama ini, maka untuk Penyelenggaran DIKPIMA tahun 2014, beberapa tujuan umum yang hendak dicapai adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Menyiapkan tenaga manajemen utama yang tangguh dan kompeten serta memiliki karakter yang kuat sebagai pekerja profesional yang peka perubahan; (2) Membantu menyiapkan proses kaderisasi pimpinan khususnya pada level  manajemen utama sehingga PT Pegadaian (Persero) dapat merancang dan merencanakan manajemen karier strategik secara lebih baik; (3) Membantu proses organizational learning sehingga tercipta lingkungan organisasi yang peka tuntutan perubahan terutama pada tingkat manajemen utama; (4) Secara umum, meningkatkan kapabilitas inovasi sumber daya manusia PT Pegadaian (Persero) sehingga memiliki competitiveness yang tinggi dalam memasuki era persaingan global dan non monopoli.

Youth Leader Community

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Youth Leaders Community akan mengadakan acara festival kepemimpinan terbesar di Indonesia yaitu International Leaders Festival. Acara ini merupakan acara kepemudaan yang terdiri dari tiga event pokok, yaitu Youth Summit, International Leaders Festival, dan Leaders Conerttalk.

Youth Summit yang akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 6 Maret 2013 di Graha XL Yogyakarta mengangkat tema besar Youth For Better World dan bertujuanmenciptakan adanya kolaborasi proaktif antar komunitas pergerakan agar kedepannya tercipta perubahan yang jauh lebih baik. Puluhan komunitas pergerakan di Yogyakarta dan sekitranya yang diundang maupun mendaftarkan diri berasal akan disatukan dan dipertemukan dengan tokoh inspiratif yaitu Walikota Bandung, Ridwan Kamil, dan Herry Zudianto selaku ketua PMI DIY sekaligus mantan walikota Yogyakarta. Komunitas ini berasal dari latar belakang yang bervariasi dan akan dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok kecil sesuai dengan spesifikasi mereka yaitu bidang sosial pendidikan,lingkungan hidup, ekonomi, dan seni.

Acara ini akan dimoderatori oleh beberapa mahasiswa yang sudah memiliki prestasi di tingkat internasional yaitu Helmy Tantowi (Leading Nuclear Student, Delegasi Tabletop Exercise, Oal Ridge National Laboratory USA, Teneese 2013) di bidang lingkungan hidup ; Dita Permatasari (Yogyakarta Rising Star, Star Case Competition, Erasmus Rotterdam) di bidang seni; M. Irka Irfa’ Darojat (Inspiring International accounting Student, Full Scholarship Exchange Program Tohuku University, Sendai, Japan) di bidang Ekonomi, dan Janu Muhammad di bidang Pendidikan (Outstanding Geography Education Student, Poster Presenter Geosciences Summer School, Contemporary Cities: Challenges and Opportunities, Utrecht University, Netherlands).

Japan Education Fair at Gadjah Mada University

The Global 30 Project Secretariat is pleased to announce that the Global 30 Japan Education Fair in Indonesia will take place at Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia in Jakarta on January 25, 2014 and at Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta on January 26, 2014. The Global 30 Japan Education Fairs are organized worldwide to allow students, their guardians, teachers, and school counselors to have face-to-face consultations with the faculty members and university staff regarding all aspects of study and life in Japan. This will be the 3rd time the fair takes place in Indonesia. As part of the former of IPLA in Tohoku University, Muhammad Irka and Ulya Khalid will assist the project during the event.


Date, Time, and Venue

Jakarta            : Date & Time:  January 25, 2014 (Sat) 10:00 am – 3:00 pm –  Universitas Al Azhar –  Ruang Arifin Panigoro (3rd Floor) Komplek Masjid Agung Al Azhar, Jakarta 12110  

Yogyakarta     : Date & Time:  January 26, 2014 (Sun) 11:00 am – 4:00 pm – Universitas Gadjah Mada – Graha Sabha Pramana (1st floor)

(1) University Booths (One-on-one sessions)

Representatives from the Global 30 universities will be available at their booths for any questions that prospective students and family may have. You are welcome to visit and speak with them regarding programs, admission procedures, scholarships, and advantages of studying in Japan. 

(2) Information Sessions (University Introductions and Special Lectures)

Concurrently with the one-on-one sessions, a series of information sessions will take place at the breakout room. The program details are to be announced.

For the registration click here.


This paper is presented at the Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics, and Law Conference KLIBEL 2013, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, 8-9 April 2013. I am grateful for the comments from the anonymous reviewers of KLIBEL 2013. Our appreciation also goes to our assistants, Fatkhu Ridho FEP and M. Irka Irfa’Darojat.

Tim KKN-PPM UGM Bangun Desa Sumberarum

YOGYAKARTA, – Usai sudah tugas tim KKN-PPM UGM 2013 Unit Sleman 06 yang berlokasi di 3 dusun di Desa Sumberarum, Moyudan, Sleman. Dalam acara perpisahan tim KKN-PPM UGM memberikan santunan kepada masyarakat Desa Sumberarum berupa 200 unit sembako dan penyerahan bantuan buku ke PAUD Sermo dan Setran.

Perpisahan diisi pula dengan kegiatan launching website Desa Sumberarum, pemutaran film profil desa, peresmian UMKM abon lele Abole dan beberapa hasil pemberdayaan pembangunan fisik.

“Kami sangat berterima kasih pada warga yang telah mendukung kegiatan KKN UGM, sehingga kita sempat 17-an bersama dengan berbagai kegiatan dalam rangka HUT RI ke-68,” ujar Muhammad Irka Irfa’ Darojat koordinator KKN-PPM di Desa Sumberarum.

UGM Team to Represent Indonesia on World’s Top 102 of Airbus Fly Your Ideas 2013
It was September 18, 2012 when Dadid Satriyo Putro (Industrial Engineering,  batch 2008) decided to invite Andika Rinaldo Asry (Industrial Engineering, batch 2008) and Estria Asi Putri (Industrial Engineering, batch 2008), forming a team for the Airbus Fly Your Ideas 2013 Competition. As a biennial sustainable development competition of this biggest European aircraft manufacturer, Airbus really takes the students to involve in while keeping it up with their university’s mentors to show the spirit of competition.  Budi Hartono, ST., MPM., Ph.D was then assigned as the ‘Travelers in Disguise’ team mentor, along with Rusyda Afina (Accounting, batch 2009) and M. Gustri Oktaviandi (Accounting, 2009); who is now replaced by M. Irka Irfa D. (Accounting, batch 2009); to join the team. There are six key challenges for aviation in the 21st century which the students had to propose their ideas on: energy, efficiency, affordable growth, traffic growth, passenger experience and community friendliness. Coming up with their project title: “Enhancing Airbus’ Image and New Market by Minimizing the Dependency of Disabled Passengers Through New Wheel-Chairs Technology Advancement”, the team has been concerning the handicapped passengers to experience the joy of flying with aircrafts.
There were at least 6,089 students from all around the world registered on the competition. While 618 teams (2,556 students with 82 different nationalities) submitted their idea on the first round. This idea has brought them as one of the world’s top 102 teams on the second round of the competition on January 15, 2013, making the team as the only two Indonesian teams; another one is from UGM as well;  representing the nation on this second round of competition.
ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY OF INDONESIA: Can MP3EI Reduce Inter-Regional Inequality? 

This paper is presented at the Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics, and Law Conference KLIBEL 2013, at Hotel Putra, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, 8-9 April 2013. I am very grateful for useful comments from the anonymous reviewers of the South East Asian Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics, and Law. My thank also goes to Muhammad Irka Irfa’Darojat, my assistant, for preparing this paper.

FESTINA 2012: Japan, we are with you

(Penampil: Rachmawati – keyboard, Aunuddin S. Vioktalamo, Adam B. Cahaya, Yuni N. Azzizah, Arif Santoso, Hesky Hasdeo, N. N. Suartini, Muhammad Irka, Abiandini K. Huda, Riyan Budiman, Diptarama, Martin Sirait)

Warga PPI Sendai yang bergabung dalam Sendai Angklung Club (SAC) menampilkan kebolehannya dalam pertunjukan angklung di FESTINA 2012. Ada tiga lagu yang dibawakan SAC. Untuk sesi pertama ini lagu yang dimainkan adalah Bengawan Solo. Penonton terlarut dalam keindahan suara bambu yang mengalir seperti air di Bengawan Solo.

Seminar Nasional GMAD 2011: Exploring the Prospects of Investment in Indonesia’s Financial Market

Acara dimulai pada pukul 08.30 WIB dengan sambutan dari ketua GMAD 2011, M.Irka.I., yang dilanjutkan dengan pembukaan acara secara resmi oleh Wakil Dekan Bidang Administrasi, Keuangan, dan Sumber Daya Manusia, Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Ph.D. Seminar terdiri dari dua sesi diawali dengan keynote speech dari Ketua Bapepam LK., Ir. Nurhaida, M.B.A., yang dibacakan oleh Etty Retno Wulandari, Ak., M.B/A., Ph.D., selaku Kepala Biro Standar Akuntansi dan Keterbukaan Bapepam LK.

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